Eiji Kitamura / えーじ

Eiji Kitamura / えーじ #

Google デベロッパー アドボケートとして Chrome ブラウザの開発チームに所属。認証や支払い、セキュリティ、プライバシーなどを中心に、ウェブの標準技術についての啓発活動を行っている。

Eiji is a developer advocate at Google Chrome team working on trust and safety on the web, specialized in identity, payment, security and privacy to make them open, seamless and frictionless.

Google I/O 2023: Passkeys: a simpler and safer sign-in #

Google I/O 2022: A path to a world without passwords #

Google I/O 2021: From security as opt-in to security by default #

Chrome Developer Summit 2020: SMS OTP form best practices #

Google I/O 2018: What's new with sign up and sign in on the web #

Google I/O 2017: Secure and Seamless Sign-In: Keeping Users Engaged #